Primary News

News from the Primary Coordinator

Welcome back to Term 4! It is hard to believe that we have come to the end of another educational year at Sirius.

It seems like only yesterday when I was introducing myself to all of the students and informing them of which class they were in and who their teachers would be.

Classroom teachers have been busy planning for end of year activities and events in which you can find in the table provided.

We have been excitedly organizing and planning for the Graduation of our Year 6 students which will be held on the evening of November 29.

It is an emotional time for students who are all looking forward to moving onto Year 7 but then also feeling a little nervous about the changes and challenges that they may face.

Please stay tuned to our next Newsletter Item (last Newsletter for the year!), which will have important information about the coming year. Wishing everyone a successful and enjoyable term!

Date of Event

Year Level and Excursion/Incursion


Year 5A and 5B IMAX Excursion


Year 2 and Year 4

Billy Carts - Incursion


Year Prep-2

Responsible Pets Incursion


Year 6A and 6B IMAX Excursion


Prep A & B – Myuna Farm Excursion


Year 4A & 4B

Science works- Excursion


Year 6 Debating Competition


Grade 1 A & B

Science Works Planetarium


Year 2

Science works- excursion


Prep –Year 2 End of Year Picnic

21/11 – 25/11

Prep –Year 6

Life Education Incursion


Year 3 & 4 1000 Steps / Kokoda Track – End of Year Activity


Year 5 & 6 1000 Steps / Kokoda Track – End of Year Activity

Primary Classroom News

Prep A

During Integrated Studies the children have been learning about the needs of living things. They have found out that living things needs shelter, air, food and water to survive. One of our activities required them to sort a group of things that could be taken camping into things that were needed or not needed. The children were sure that clothes, hats and sleeping bags could be a part of shelter because they help protect us from the sun and the cold. A mobile phone created a lot of discussion. Do we really need a phone to survive? Some children were fairly sure that it was a necessity. They were a little less certain when they realised it was hard to describe a phone as shelter, food, water or air.

Ms Temple